The House in Grosvenor Square...Review

About the book:

As Ariana Forsythe plans her wedding, she must adjust to the realization that she will soon become the wife of an extremely wealthy man. She wonders if it's wrong to rejoice that her future husband is rich. But, she promises herself to use her new position to do what she can to aid the numerous street waifs she sees all too often in London.

During a tour of her future home-the house in Grosvenor Square-Ariana impulsively makes plans to redecorate (just a little) according to  her tastes . But when Philip arrives home later, he is informed that an expensive silver candlestick and a miniature portrait of George III have gone missing. Moreover, each time Ariana visits the house, another item disappears.

When Ariana suffers an abduction attempt by two villains, and other mysterious goings-on are unexplained, Mr. Mornay must unravel the mystery of who is after her, and why. He knows he has to prevent any harm from befalling his future bride, even if it means he must keep her under lock and key in his own house!

A sequel to Before the Season Ends.

In 1813 England, Ariana Forsythe is planning her wedding to Phillip Mornay, a wealthy man who shares her faith in God. Philanthropically minded, Ariana looks forward to being able to aid many of the impoverished people she has met.

As Phillip and Ariana make preparations for their marriage, multiple factors and people interfere. Mr. Mornay's housekeeper doesn't like Ariana and does what she can to cast doubt upon the new mistress' character. Add to the mix, a kidnapping plot by two villains bent on revenge against Phillip and you have The House in Grosvenor Square.

Linore Rose Burkhard blends romance with suspense and the result is a fun read that takes you into the regency period of history. A period of time when fashion and position are most important, and a good butler is paramount. An easy, entertaining read.

Thanks to First Wild Card and Harvest House Publishers for the opportunity to review this. You can read the first chapter here. You can find out more about Linore Rose Burkard here.

Read 4/09

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  1. I never look forward to books set in this era and yet everytime I bring myself to read one,I always enjoy them.Same with the movies.I enjoy where they take me.I guess it's a little like church for me.Never look forward to it but always enjoy once I get there.


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