Conversation at Our House...Doctor Who

As some of you know, we are huge Doctor Who fans at our house. Obsessed, might be an appropriate word for it, actually.

I was going through my personal blog and found another fun conversation that I'd recorded between The Brother and his friends. Enjoy!

We have lot of inside Doctor Who jokes and quotes that only we understand, but that other Who fans might recognize. ("Are you my Mummy?" "Children of mine...") None of our boys' friends know who the Doctor is, let alone watch the show. But, due to this Doctor obsession, the boys have created Mii's (Wii characters) in the form of the Doctor and the Master. The following conversation happened last week when The Brother and his friends were playing the Wii. We thought it was funny, and you might, if you know the Doctor too!

C: (pointing to one of the Mii characters): "Who's that?"
J: "Oh that's the Master and that's the Doctor."
A: "Doctor Who?"
